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Radwag XA 21.4Y.M.A.P Plus Microbalance
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Radwag XA 21.4Y.M.A.P Plus Microbalance
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The series of XA 4Y.M.A.P PLUS microbalances is a modern solution for piston pipettes calibration where high accuracy and measurement speed are a must. They are equipped with reliable measuring system housed in a hermetic casing, this guarantees fast and precise measurement in almost any laboratory conditions. External factors such as air drafts, dust, vibrations, operator competence - all of them generate disturbances that influence the final result of a measurement. RADWAG-manufactured balances are equipped with range of protections designed to eliminate errors (hermetic weighing chamber, vibrations dampening filters), and tools informing about errors occurrence (vibration sensor, electronic levelling device, ambient conditions module). Antistatic Weighing Chamber XA 4Y.M.A.P PLUS microbalance is a device where the influence of electrostatics onto the weighing result has been eliminated due to use of special antistatic coating of the glass panes, and thanks to an in-built ionizer. The ionizer neutralizes electric charges inside the weighing chamber upon placing the sample in it. The lower relative humidity and a reading unit of the balance, the more evident influence of static electricity. The ionizer neutralizes any uncompensated electric charge accumulated on the weighed object. The influence of static electricity gives greater repeatability error, often also greater error of indication. Measurement errors, due to the harmful effects of electrostatics, often reach the value of thousands of reading units and more. The problem concerns non-conductive samples, e.g. glass flasks, paper filters, plastics, etc. The antistatic ionizer implemented in the XA 4Y.M.A.P PLUS microbalance is a modern technology solution which compensates both cations and anions. The ionizer activates when the balance door opens, and deactivates when the door is closed. It is possible to control ionizer operation using weighing instrument panel.
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